• {{CallMeBack.Step === 'Details' ? 'Let us call you for a quote:' : CallMeBack.Step === 'CallbackDateTime' ? 'Select date and time' : 'Choose time slot'}}

    Please enter your name
    Your name contains invalid characters
    Please enter a contact number
    Please enter a valid contact number
    Please enter a valid email address.
    Please select a reason.
    Please select a suitable Date
    Please select a suitable time
    Select time slot

    Thank you for your interest {{CallMeBack.Fullname}}

    A consultant will contact you soon! A consultant will call you on the {{displayDate.getDate() + '' + DaySuffix(formatDate(CallMeBack.Date).getDate())}} of {{months[displayDate.getMonth()]}} {{displayDate.getFullYear()}} at {{TimeToMeridiem(CallMeBack.TimeSlot)}}

    Thank you {{CallMeBack.Fullname}}

    We have received your details and will contact you.

Express Claims - Same-day Turnaround for Claims

With our Express Claims service, we have a same-day turnaround time where we approve and pay claims on the same day for a wide selection of personal and household valuables. So the next time you need to claim and are looking for claims certainty for things like your windscreen, geysers, garden furniture, caravan contents, handbags, among many other items, you can be sure that you’ll be paid out the same day, provided that your claim documents are submitted timeously.