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5 min read

Guarding Your Gadgets: Why Portable Possessions Insurance Is a Must

Home and Leisure September 19, 2024

In our busy lives, our devices and valuables travel with us everywhere. But what happens if your laptop, phone or other portable possessions get lost, stolen, or damaged? This is where Portable Possessions Insurance is a necessity. Protecting your expensive goods isn’t just smart; it’s essential.

Dialdirect offers comprehensive coverage, so you’re not left out of pocket when the unexpected happens. Ready to safeguard your belongings? Read our guide to find out how.


Why do more South Africans need and sign up for  Portable Possessions Insurance?


As life in South Africa changes, so do the everyday risks. Possession Insurance has become vital for many South Africans due to several factors.


Rising crime rates

With theft and robbery cases increasing, especially in urban areas, high-cost items such as laptops and smartphones are vulnerable. For example, a businessman who relies on his smartphone for work could face significant setbacks if it is stolen. According to a report by Statista, contact crime in South Africa continues to rise, with 15,284 cases reported in the third quarter of 2023/2024. This insurance provides reassurance by covering these losses, so victims of crime are not financially disadvantaged.


High cost to replace gadgets

The cost of replacing electronics continues to rise as technology advances. A new smartphone could cost you in the region of R15,000 or more, while laptops and other gadgets can be even more expensive. Consider a university student whose studies rely on a laptop – if it ends up damaged or stolen, replacing it would be costly and disruptive. Possession Insurance alleviates the financial burden by covering repair or replacement costs, making it a wise investment for anyone with valuable tech.


More frequent travel

With more South Africans travelling for work or leisure, locally and internationally, the risk of damaging or losing belongings increases. Picture a couple on holiday whose luggage is lost or stolen – without insurance, they could face unforeseen expenses. Insurance that goes beyond the home is becoming increasingly important, offering coverage wherever life takes you.


Greater awareness of coverage options

Thanks to the flexibility and comprehensive coverage that this insurance provides, awareness of the available options has led to a surge in South Africans securing their valuables against unexpected events. Options include a tailored policy for a specific item or broader protection for multiple possessions. 


Why take out Portable Possessions Insurance?

Beyond the increasing need for protection against rising crime and the high cost of replacing gadgets, this insurance offers benefits that make it essential for valuables.

  • Comprehensive coverage: This insurance covers your valuable items against accidental damage, loss, or theft, no matter where you are. For instance, if your smartphone is stolen while you’re out on a run or your laptop is damaged during a work trip, this ensures you’re not left to cover the full cost of the repairs or replacement on your own.

  •  Cost-effective replacement: Replacing high-value items can cause financial strain, especially when unexpected events occur. Possession Insurance reduces the burden by covering the full cost of replacements. Having insurance means you won’t have to dip into savings or disrupt your budget to buy new items.

  • Worldwide protection: Many policies offer global coverage, offering reassurance when you’re travelling internationally. Picture losing your camera while abroad – without insurance, the inconvenience and cost of replacing it could ruin your trip. With worldwide protection, your possessions are covered anywhere.

  • Tailored policies: Many policies offer flexibility, allowing you to customise your coverage based on your lifestyle and possessions' value. Whether it’s cover for a single item or a range of gadgets, tailored policies mean you only pay for the coverage you need.

  • Reassurance: The peace of mind that your possessions are covered by insurance allows you to enjoy life without constantly worrying about what might happen to your valuables.


How to select your ideal Portable Possessions Insurance policy


Choosing the right policy may seem like an overwhelming task, but with the right approach and careful consideration, you can secure the best coverage for your valuables.

Here are some top tips to help you make an informed decision.

  •  Understand your coverage: Before signing up for a policy, it’s essential to read through and understand the inclusions and any exclusions. Being aware of the limits, conditions, and potential exclusions will avoid surprises when you make a claim. For example, some policies may not cover certain types of accidental damage or may have geographical limits. Being fully informed will help you select the policy that best meets your requirements.

  • Document your items: Keeping an up to date and detailed inventory of your insured items is essential. This should include keeping receipts, photos, serial numbers, and other relevant documentation. This detailing will streamline the claims process, making it quicker and easier to prove ownership and the value of your possessions.

  • Bundle your insurance: Consider bundling your insurance with other policies, such as Home or Vehicle Insurance. This can often lead to discounts, making your overall insurance costs more affordable. Additionally, having all your policies with one provider can simplify the process, with fewer bills to pay and a single point of contact for all your insurance requirements.

  • Consider excess levels: The excess, or deductible, is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. While opting for a higher excess can reduce your premium, make sure the excess is an amount you can afford if you need to make a claim. Getting the right balance between a manageable excess and affordable premiums is key to choosing the best policy.

  • Talk to a consultant: It’s also recommended to speak with a consultant, such as your Dialdirect provider. They can help tailor a policy to your individual needs and affordability. A consultant can offer expert advice, highlight any special offers, and make sure you get the most value from your policy.  

For more information on the different types of Portable Possessions Insurance Dialdirect offers, and the benefits of each, click here.


4 Important tips for those with an existing policy


Even if you already have Portable Possessions Insurance, there are some key steps you should take to ensure your coverage remains relevant and effective:

1.    Regularly update your policy: Make it routine to review your policy whenever you acquire new items and get rid of old ones. This will ensure that coverage accurately reflects the current value of your possessions, preventing them from being underinsured or overpaying for items you no longer own.

2.   Review your coverage limits: Regularly reviewing your policy's coverage limits will ensure that they still align with the value of your items. As the value of your possessions changes over time, adjusting these limits is essential to avoid being caught short in the event of a claim.

3.   Secure your items: Taking extra measures to protect your valuables can reduce the risk of damage or loss. For instance, protective covers for electronics, placing expensive items into a safe, or even installing security cameras can shield your possessions. Some insurers may even offer discounts for taking these additional security precautions.

4.   Report losses promptly: If an item is lost, damaged, or stolen, it’s crucial to report it to your insurance company as soon as possible. Prompt reporting can speed up the claims process and increase the likelihood of a successful claim, resulting in you being compensated without unnecessary delays.

By following these tips, your policy remains a valuable investment in protecting your possessions.


Get a Personal Possessions Insurance or Phone Insurance Quote


Whether it’s jewellery, a smartphone, or your laptop, you can protect your valuables from unexpected loss, theft, or damage with Portable Possessions Insurance. Our comprehensive coverage ensures peace of mind, so secure your belongings today by getting a personalisedquote tailored to your needs. 



[1 ] Statista:South Africa: contact crimes by type 2024 | Statista

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or medical advice.

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