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Disability Insurance

No one likes to think about the ‘what ifs’, especially when it comes to future financial security. With our Disability Cover, you don’t have to. Get a Disability Insurance quote, take up cover, and you’ll never have to worry again about what might happen if you can no longer work.


Comprehensive Disability Insurance

Whether your job takes you on the road, have you sitting behind a desk, or visiting a site every day, our Comprehensive Disability Insurance makes certain you can still maintain your lifestyle if you’re partially or fully disabled. Depending on your cover, we will pay out a lump sum between R50,000 and R10 million if you’re permanently disabled.


Disability Insurance benefits

You’re busy and we get that. We won’t ask you to go through lengthy medical exams to get covered financially if you become disabled; we only conduct an HIV test. We also won’t increase your insurance premiums for the first two years of your cover, no matter what age you are.
Your payout is yours to do with as you wish – you could use it to cover day-to-day lifestyle expenses or pay off all your debts. We also understand you’re not going to be the same person in a year’s time from today, which is why we offer Guaranteed Assurability, so you can increase your cover if your lifestyle changes.


Disability Insurance waiting periods

You shouldn’t have to wait years to be covered for accidental disability. With us at Dialdirect, you can be certain you’re covered in full from day one. It takes just a few minutes to make sure you’ll be financially secure if you become partially or fully disabled. Complete a quick Disability Insurance quote, accept our cover, and the lifestyle you work hard to maintain will be secure.


View our Policy Terms and Conditions.