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Car Insurance

It’s your car, so you should be able to insure it the way you want to, right? We at Dialdirect think so. That’s why we offer you multiple vehicle insurance options. Look below to find the one that’s best for you.


Comprehensive Car Insurance

Our comprehensive car insurance covers the widest range of risks and gives you direct access to emergency assistance and Tow Truck Direct. You can download the Dialdirect Insurance App. Plus, you can also select the Dialdirect Payback Bonus which you would qualify for after four years of uninterrupted cover, even if you make certain claims.

You’re covered for theft, accident, third-party, windscreen, flood, and fire damage, and you can choose to include hail cover in your policy. You can also be certain your vehicle will get top-quality care if it needs repairing, because all repairs carry a lifetime guarantee.


Comprehensive Off-road Car Insurance

Just like our standard Comprehensive Car Cover, our Off-road Insurance is fully inclusive. This is the right option if you’re an adventurous guy that uses your 4X4 for what it is designed for.

You get all the perks of comprehensive car insurance, such as theft, accident, fire, flood cover, and more.


Third-party, Fire, and Theft Insurance

We get it – comprehensive car cover isn’t right for everyone. That doesn’t mean you should do without great insurance. Take up our Third-party, Fire and Theft Insurance and you’ll be covered for vehicle theft, third-party damage, towing and storage, and you can choose to add windscreen, canopy and sound system cover to your policy.


Third-party Only Insurance

Our Third-party Only Insurance is basic cover that will help you out if you accidentally damage someone else’s property. But even this cover has a little extra something for you; if you have a sweet sound system in your car, you can add it to your Third-party Only policy. Get Car Insurance quotes online today so you can do your thing and get back ching.


Car Insurance Calculators

Find out how the car insurance calculator works at Dialdirect.

Dialdirect is an authorised non-life insurer and FSP. Ts&Cs online.

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Related car insurance products


Learn more about car insurance

Comprehensive car insurance 

Our Comprehensive Car Insurance is the real deal. We cover your wheels for theft and hijacking, accidental damage, loss, and even third-party liability.


Compare car insurance

Find out why it’s a good idea to compare car insurance and what to look for in an insurance company in South Africa.


Car insurance in South Africa 

We’ve made it easy to navigate car insurance in South Africa. Use our tips to find the best auto insurance in the country.



Frequently Asked Questions: Car Insurance

What are the 3 types of car insurance?

The three most common types of car insurance are comprehensive car insurance, third-party only, and third-party fire and theft. Dialdirect also offers BetterCar insurance as a fourth option.

What type of cover is best for car insurance?

Choose a car insurance policy that works for you. Take a look at the different options and figure out how much coverage you need for yourself and your car relative to your budget and your lifestyle.

What does fully comprehensive car insurance mean?

Comprehensive car insurance means that your vehicle is covered for damage that is beyond your control, like theft or hijacking, accidents or damage caused by the weather elements (flood or hail damage) and fire.

What is the difference between a claim and a deductible?

It’s important to insure your home and home contents in order to cover you against any loss or damage, like theft, natural disasters, accidental or malicious damage. Your insurance will afford you the financial means by which to repair or replace your lost or damaged property.